Adaptation of Products in International Markets

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Selcuk Sert


It has been a topic of debate for many years whether the products will be presented with adaptation strategy or standardization strategy to international markets. A general conclusion derived from these discussions is that not how adaptation or adaptation of the standardization of the problem is preferred to standardization, but how the strategies can be reconciled with each other. This is because, in practice, there are enterprises that achieve success with standardization as well as enterprises that achieve success with the adaptation strategy. In the context of the explanations, main objective of this study is to focus on the concepts of national market and international market and explain the differences between these concepts by considering marketing mix and product decisions. Solutions have been proposed for the adaptation and standardization of the products to the international markets with regard to the ways that enterprises should follow to maximize their profitability in international markets.

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How to Cite
SERT, Selcuk. Adaptation of Products in International Markets. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 1, p. 41-52, jan. 2017. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025.
Social Sciences - Regular Research Paper


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