Predicting Housing Prices in Istanbul Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques

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Hale Uysal Adnan Kalkan


Accurate prediction of housing prices in dynamic markets like Istanbul is crucial for stakeholders in the real estate industry, yet traditional models often lack transparency and interpretability. This study addresses this gap by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques to predict housing prices in the Istanbul housing market. Utilizing a comprehensive dataset containing 25,154 entries and 37 features from the Kaggle platform, we employed several machine learning models, including Random Forest Regressor, Linear Regression, KNeighbors Regressor, Decision Tree Regressor, Gradient Boosting Regressor, and Ridge Regressor. Rigorous data preprocessing steps—such as handling missing values, outlier detection, and encoding categorical variables—were meticulously performed to ensure data quality. The Random Forest model, optimized through hyperparameter tuning, achieved the highest performance with an R² score of 0.8683 on the test set. To enhance model interpretability, XAI methods like SHAP and LIME were utilized, revealing that gross square meters and location (specifically, districts like Kadıköy and Sarıyer) significantly impact housing prices. These findings align with existing literature and offer actionable insights for policymakers and industry professionals. This research underscores the importance of combining AI with XAI to develop transparent, reliable models, thereby advancing data-driven decision-making in the real estate sector.

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How to Cite
UYSAL, Hale; KALKAN, Adnan. Predicting Housing Prices in Istanbul Using Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 19-34, july 2024. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025.
Natural Sciences - Regular Research Paper


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