Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments is a scientific journal, which published online Book Reviews, Work in Progress Papers, Short Research Papers, Regular Research Papers from a multidisciplinary view including Natural Sciences and Social Sciences.
All processes (submission, double blind review, production and publish of the accepted papers) in JOMUDE are free of charge.
Authors interested in submitting a paper are requested to use the paper template. Click for the Paper Template
Main objective of the Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments (JOMUDE) is to support liteature of both Natural Sciences and Social Sciences by enabling researchers, academicians, and students to publish their works. JOMUDE is an online (e-ISSN: 2564-6095), peer reviewed, double blind, open access scientific journal.
Covered subjects by JOMUDE are as follows (and not limited to):
Natural Sciences: Computer Science, Engineering Sciences, Mathematics, Electronics, Material Science, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Health Sciences, Astronomy, Energy
Social Sciences: Education, Economics, Arts and Humanities, Business, Business Management, Accounting, Decision Science, Law, Finance, Psychology, Tourism, Foreign Languages, History
e-ISSN: 2564-6095
JOMUDE is currently indexed in:
- Google Scholar
- PKP Index
- ResearchBib
- Cosmos IF
- I2OR
- Directory of Research Journals Indexing
- Science Library Index
- International Innovative Journal IF
JOMUDE - Paper Types:
- Book Review
- Work In Progress Paper [1-4 Page(s)]
- Short Research Paper [5-7 Page(s)]
- Regular Research Paper [8-30 Page(s)]
Current Issue
Vol 9 No 1 (2024): "Union": Volume: 9, Issue: 1